Sustainability Performance

In order to demonstrate our committment to delivering improvements in the sustainability of our processes and products, Irish Cement has developed a series of Key Performance Indicators against which we measure our performance in a range of Sustainability target areas.

Sustainability Performance
At a minimum, our operating facilities at Platin and Limerick Works operate in compliance with the conditions of Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) licences and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Permits granted to us by the Environmental Protection Agency. The conditions of these permits and licences require that we monitor, record and report our performance in a range of areas. Compliance with these conditions is audited and verified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI).
In accordance with our stated policy, and in line with CRH committments, Irish Cement is targeting improvements in our performance in the following areas:
Employee Learning & Development
Climate Protection
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