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Specifying Concrete Website launched
February 26, 2020
The Specifyingconcrete.ie website was officially launched in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, February 4th.
It has been developed by a joint working group of the Irish Concrete Federation, Cement Manufacturers Ireland and the Irish Concrete Society.
The new website was launched to assist all professionals involved in concrete specification with responsibility to ensure the quality of finished structures. The website provides background and references to regulations, standards and guidance documents relevant to concrete construction. In addition, it provides information on many key properties of concrete from the viewpoint of the designer, builder and producer for consideration at specification and planning stage rather than later in the project.
www.specifyingconcrete.ie is a valuable resource, which is free to use, and will be of benefit to all involved in the specification and construction of concrete.
Download certifications, advisory leaflets and other data in PDF format.