Product Quality

Guarantee of quality & consistency
Irish Cement provides products which conform to
- Agreed Standards or Specifications as regards product quality.
- The Company’s Customer Service Policy as regards product presentation, dispatch and delivery.
It is company policy to deal efficiently and effectively with all customer concerns regarding product quality and service and to resolve issues as far as possible to the satisfaction of its customers.
It is company policy to offer a comprehensive technical advisory service to its customers on all aspects of the use and application of its products and in the production of quality concrete.
Cement products are certified to the national/European standard I.S. EN 197-1 and carry CE marking following independent certification by NSAI.
The company supports the implementation of independent quality monitoring as an added guarantee of quality and consistency and has adopted the Standard ISO 9001:2008 which it uses to continually improve it’s quality management system. Quality objectives are established and reviewed annually, taking account of market requirements.
Irish-Cement-ISO-9001 Quality Management Certificates of Registration
Download certifications, advisory leaflets and other data in PDF format.