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I.S. EN 206 -1 Concrete Specification – Revised National Annex
November 1, 2024
A revised National Annex (NA+2) to I.S. EN 206-1:2002 was published mid 2010. This revision was introduced to align recommendations of I.S. EN 206-1 NA with the National Annex of I.S. EN 1992-1-1, the Eurocode for Concrete, which was also published earlier in 2010.
This revised NA includes minor revisions to clauses and tables on cements and additions with specific suitability (for use in concrete in Ireland), along with revised Tables (NA.5, NA.6 and NA.7) which give recommended limiting values for mix composition for the various durability exposure classes.
This revision also includes an informative annex NC, which presents alternative limiting values for varying minimum covers and cement types/combinations, for both 50 year design life and 100 year design life.
Download certifications, advisory leaflets and other data in PDF format.