
Irish Cement dispatches cement all over Ireland
Irish Cement dispatches cement, both bulk and bagged, to all parts of the island of Ireland. Platin serves customers in the north, east and midland regions including the Dublin market while Limerick serves customers in the south and west of the country.
Bulk and bagged cement is dispatched from both plants by road.
Our Limerick and Platin dispatch silos are both equipped with state of the art 24 hour driver loading facilities.
Bulk Cement
Billy McGowan
Billy McGowan is responsible for the dispatch of our Bulk Cement products.
Freephone Order Number: 1800 946 675 for Bulk Cement
Email: bulksales@irishcement.ie
Bagged Cement
Colin Enright
Colin Enright is responsible for the dispatch of our Bagged Cement products.
Freephone Order Number: 1800 511 811 for Bagged Cement
Email: baggedsales@irishcement.ie
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