Hands on responsibility and ownership for areas of the plant, with support from management, gaining experience in:
Graduates are guided through a semi-structured program across the various sections of the business in order to develop technical, interpersonal, commercial and management skills. This progression is supported in two main ways:
Irish Cement has an excellent record of retaining and developing Graduates into exciting and challenging roles within the company and into the wider CRH Group.
ITP – Cement is a technical programme developed by CRH to develop graduate engineers within our European cement operations. Graduates from across Europe meet and receive in-depth tuition on the production of cement and knowledge of its operations in a structured and progressive manner off site in various CRH locations.
It is a unique opportunity for high performing graduates, offering them challenging assignments in multi-cultural environments and working with experienced colleagues who share their expertise. You can find out more by viewing the ITP Cement video below.
Irish Cement has partnered with IBEC to deliver a world-class graduate development programme which is accredited by TUD Dublin. This Diploma in Professional Competence will equip you with the skills, tools and mindset needed to succeed in the world of work.
Covering 12 modules the programme will help you bridge the gap between education and the workplace and will help unlock your leadership potential. To find out more about the graduate development programme, view the pdf below.
Download certifications, advisory leaflets and other data in PDF format.