Limerick Works

The early years
Easy access to limestone, clay and shale made Limerick an ideal location for cement manufacture. As far back as 1904, Limerick Harbour Authority prepared a detailed report indicating the potential for cement production at Castlemungret.
Limerick Cement Works dates back to the late nineteen-thirties and the first deliveries of cement from the original small single wet process kiln took place in 1938. By the early 1950’s, however, the rising demand for cement called for expansion and the years that followed saw an almost continuous series of projects which by 1965 had increased annual capacity to 725,000 tonnes from 5 wet process kilns.
From wet to dry process
It was not until 1980 that forecasts of further growth in construction activity indicated the need for additional development at Limerick. A modern dry process kiln – Kiln 6 – with a capacity of close to 800,000 tonnes was completed in 1983. The introduction of the newer dry process at Limerick provided benefits in terms of fuel efficiency over the older wet process kilns which it replaced.
Investments in automation and process control now ensure that Limerick Works reaches the highest standards for product consistency and environmental protection.
Irish Cement is seeking the appropriate planning and licencing to allow a phased reduction in fossil fuel use in Limerick Works to further enhance the sustainability of the operations.
Limerick Works supplies the market in southern and western parts of the country and also serves export markets when required.
Head Office
Platin Works
Limerick Works Contact Details
Irish Cement Ltd,
Limerick Works,
Co. Limerick.
N 052.64380 deg
W 008.69031 deg
General Enquiries
P: + 353 61 487 200
F: + 353 61 487 201
E: info@irishcement.ie
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