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Irish Cement supports Movember 2021
December 1, 2021
Irish Cement was proud to support the Movember 2021 Campaign. With men making up a higher proportion of our workforce we are keen to raise awareness of men’s health and support our employees to seek medical assistance for any concerns they have. Pictured above in our Platin cement factory are six of our team who are sporting their new moustaches. For some this was their first involvement, but others are seasoned ‘Mo-bro’s’. The team in Limerick were also involved in the fundraising activities with some growing moustaches and others opting for the ‘Move’ for Movember activities. Tracking progress on-line was all part of the fun and helped to generate more awareness for these important messages about men’s health.
With matching funding from the company over €20,000 was raised for Movember!
Well done to all in involved.
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